Motor_Parameters (Motor_Step_Angle)

Index.Sub 2012.1H
Data Type Unsigned16
Access Read/Write
PDO Mappable RX_PDO (1)
Unit --


1; 2; 4; 5; 8; 10; 16; 25; 32; 50; 64; 125; 128; 250; 256; 65535
Default Value 1
Store Supported Yes

The Motor_Step_Angle and Motor_Pole_Pairs are used to define the motor resolution. See Motor_Parameters (Motor_Pole_Pairs).

  • If ‘Motor_Step_Angle’ value is different from 65535, the number of motor increments per revolution are computed as follow:


    Stepper motors:

    Motor_Resolution (Inc/rev) = (Motor_Pole_Pairs * 4) * Motor_Step_Angle


    BLDC motors and BLAC motors:

      Motor_Resolution (Inc/rev) = (Motor_Pole_Pairs * 6) * Motor_Step_Angle


  • If ‘Motor_Step_Angle’ value is 65535(2) , the number of motor Increments per revolution is:

      Motor_Resolution (Inc/rev) = 65536


 (1) available with firmware V03r02 or superior.

  • With firmware V03r17 or superior the motor resolution can be defined with Motor_Resolution object or Motor_Step_Angle, Motor_Pole_Pairs objects.

    If Motor_Resolution object value is 0 then the motor resolution is defined with Motor_Step_Angle and Motor_Pole_Pairs objects (for compatibility reasons).

    A value of Motor_Resolution object other than zero defines directly the motor resolution (Motor_Step_Angle object is not considered and only Motor_Pole_Pairs object have to be defined).